Достапно на / Dispozicion në: македонски (Macedonian) Albanian (Albanian)

According to the Article 26 of the Law on electronic communications the National Center for computer incidents response (MKD-CIRT) is set up within the Agency for Electronic Communications as a separate organizational unit, as the official national point of contact and coordination in dealing with security incidents in networks and information systems, and that will identify and provide a response to security incidents and risks.

The main objectives of the National center for computer incidents response are:

  • To provide a key role in coordinating the handling of incidents among stakeholders at national level.
  • To provide an answer to dealing with computer incidents by providing the necessary services to its constituents so that to effectively deal with incidents.
  • Continuously monitor risk, to receive information about computer threats and incidents (in an automated way or by third parties) and to continuously provide indicators on malicious traffic that comes or goes out of the country.
  • Is an official national point of contact and exchange of information (reports on incidents, vulnerabilities etc.) from within the country as well as abroad with National / Governmental CSIRT-s of the countries in the region and beyond.
  • To timely inform and notify constituents. To provide the constituents safety tips, information on early warning and act as a focal point for issues relating to cyber security.
  • Fully cooperate and exchange information with state institutions responsible for law enforcement, especially those in the field of cyber crime, accordingly addressing legal issues that may arise during the incident.
  • Continuous exchange of information, knowledge and experience with its constituents, establishing security best practices / guidelines and publishing them, as well as continuing to provide education and training for constituents and for the team members of MKD-CIRT.
  • Providing assistance in the establishment of the CSIRT teams as part of large organizations that manage key / critical information infrastructures (public and private) in the country.
  • Continually raises awareness among citizens about the negative effects of cyber threats and cyber-crime