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MKD-CIRT services are intended for registered and unregistered constituents. MKD-CIRT provides the same services for managing incidents to registered and unregistered constituents, but in doings so it may apply different service levels.
The MKD-CIRT service level provided to unregistered constituents may be lower, especially in the following cases:
- As a result of the increased workload: MKD-CIRT shall prioritize registered constituents. If the Team is greatly overloaded with work, priority will be given to the incident reports submitted by registered constituents.
- When essential information for the unregistered constituent are missing: MKD-CIRT will require a period of time to complete the procedure for familiarizing/researching the organization of the constituent (Proof of concept, systems used, etc., which has a direct impact on the response time.
In order to avoid some of the issues the unregistered constituents are facing, MKD-CIRT recommends registration of the constituents. Only organizations that are supported by MKD-CIRT, that is to say, are meeting the criteria for a constituent will be registered (MKD-CIRT RFC2350).
The registration is done by filling out and signing an application as per the Constituent Registration Form, and sending it to MKD-CIRT.