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македонски (Macedonian)
Albanian (Albanian)
MKD-CIRT shall offer the following services to its constituents:
- Notifications and alerts, Disclose the details of current threats and steps that can be undertaken to protect against these threats. It includes notification or warning of newfound information on cyberthreats and vulnerabilities to the constituents with a recommended course of action and guidance on how to protect the system. The notifications may be preventive, warning, advisory, and guiding.
- Remote incident response, Provide technical assistance to address the security incidents when they occur, in order to mitigate the damage and recover from the incident. Advice and technical assistance is usually provided by telephone or e-mail.
- On-site incident response, Provide on-site technical assistance and advice to address the security incidents when they occur, in order to mitigate the damage and recover from the incident. This service is usually related or implemented for critical level incidents.
- Vulnerability response, Assess the adequate measures necessary to respond to newly discovered vulnerabilities; assess their seriousness and impact, decide whether to issue warnings thereof or verify or further investigate their weight/impact. Overall, this approach applies to information on vulnerabilities that are publicly known.
- Basic awareness, education and training, Implement small-scale programmes for raising public awareness. Conduct basic training on computer incident response and main cybersecurity best practices.
MKD-CIRT provides the same services for managing incidents of registered and unregistered constituents, but with different service levels.
The quality of services that MKD-CIRT gives to unregistered constituents may be lower, particularly in the following cases:
- As a result of the increased workload: MKD-CIRT prioritizes its activities in regards to registered constituents. If the team is greatly overloaded with work, priority will be given to the incident report filed by registered constituents.
- When essential information in report made by an unregistered constituent is missing: MKD-CIRT will require a period of time to complete the procedure for informing / research of organization of the constituent (Proof of concept, systems used etc.), which has a direct influence of reaction time.
To avoid some of the problems faced by unregistered constituents, MKD-CIRT recommends constituents follow the registration process. Only those organizations that are supported by MKD-CIRT or that meet the criteria of a constituent, will be registered (MKD-CIRT RFC2350).
Registration is done by completing and signing a form and its delivery to MKD-CIRT. Please download the registration form from this link (in Macedonian language).
More information on PGP and how to create a pair of PGP Keys is available in English at the following links:
– Information on GnuPG and method for generating, announcement and acceptance of PGP keys
– Client software for generating and publishing the key to many platforms