Incident report form Достапно на / Dispozicion në: македонски (Macedonian) Albanian (Albanian) Online Form for reporting on computer security incident Reporting on computer security incident via the website Protection of supplied information Level of protection*: —Please choose an option—Strictly confidentialConfidentialPublic Contact information Responsible person*: E-mail*: Telephone*: Information about the incident Select type of incident —Please choose an option—Compromised informationCompromised assetUnauthorized accessMalicious code(Distributed) Denial of ServiceLoss or theftPhishingUnlawful activitiesScan,probe, Attempt on accessViolation of policy Subject Description Before sending the content of this message will be encrypted with the public key of MKD-CIRT If you are having trouble sending the online form, please send us the incident report by email at Сподели Facebook Twitter Stumbleupon LinkedIn Pinterest