Почитувани, Ве информираме дека е отворен конкурсот за fellowship програмата “Chevening Western Balkans Cyber Security Fellowship 2020/2021“. Повеќе информации за програмата и пријавување ќе најдете на следниот линк: https://www.chevening.org/fellowship/western-balkans-cyber-security/
Конкурсот е отворен до 3 ноември 2020 година. Следува краток текст за програмата:
„The fellowship is aimed at mid-career professionals who can demonstrate leadership potential in the field of cyber security or cyber policy in the Western Balkans. The fellowship provides an understanding of policy and legislative approaches in cyber security and its implications for national security, commercial opportunity, crime prevention, and the right to privacy.
The fellowship consists of a 10-week residential programme delivered at Cranfield University at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, and is fully funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.”